
COVID-19: Foodservice’s New Reality

The foodservice industry has not lived through a global crisis of such magnitude since World War II. Arguably even great wars failed to impact the foodservice industry as significantly as COVID-19. Built on the social value of sharing time with others, during other crises the foodservice industry offered a meaningful way for people to connect. Never before has the entire planet been asked to avoid connection with others, challenging the most significant value foodservice operators bring to the table. With the pandemic taking its toll on global, national and independent operations, no one is immune. Most brands are retooling their physical assets to focus on take-out and home delivery to stay alive. 

To help foodservice operators remain relevant during and after COVID-19, SLD conducted consumer and industry research to review the impact and the relevance of a range of strategies the industry can implement immediately. The key question we wanted to answer as part of a major consumer study is, with the arrival of COVID-19 and its impact on all industries, will the current crisis have a lasting impact?

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