
Neuroscience and Design: Getting to the Heart of Consumer Motivation Through Their Head

For years we’ve been relying on marketing research methods that may not be telling us the whole story. That is, until the application of neuroscience to more accurately predict consumer purchase behaviour.

It’s a well-known fact that people buy based on their emotions. But how do you qualify a gut feeling? “Neuromarketing” is bringing science to the boardroom by tracking brain activity to measure consumer preference through emotion.

Diana Lucaci, founder and CEO of neuromarketing research firm True Impact, explains how to use neuromarketing to measure for more meaningful and relevant data.


  • The fundamentals of neuromarketing
  • How neuromarketing can improve your consumer research
  • How to drive lift and ROI through accurate measurement
  • Best practices for implementing neurometrics in your research

This webinar aired on June 22, 2016.

Fill out the form below to watch the webinar.

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