
Martin Waxman podcast headshot

The Ever-Evolving World of Digital Marketing

TikTok and Snapchat, Google’s antitrust lawsuit, AOC versus Zuckerberg, it seems like every day there’s a new factor that could change digital marketing, making it a moving target for brand marketers. With so much to stay up to date on, it can be hard to know where to focus your efforts. Luckily, our guest today […]

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How Beauty values are shifting

The Shifting Values of Beauty and How Brands Can Adapt

The financial and social uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic racial injustice, and widespread unemployment has meant that consumers are now reconsidering their priorities. As a result, any discretionary spending has been reprioritized and shifted elsewhere. A Mckinsey study from June 2020 found that consumers are pulling back spending in categories such as apparel and

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Scientists in a lab testing a COVID-19 vaccine

What Brands Can Learn from the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

The world continues to struggle to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, and in its wake, consumer behavior, and therefore, brand service design, is being rewired. The good news is the recent announcements by Pfizer Inc. and Moderna regarding the viability of their vaccines energized financial markets and provided a much-needed sign of hope. The race to

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George Wang Headshot

What Artificial Intelligence Means for Retail Design

One of the buzziest and most debated tech terms of the last 5 to 10 years is artificial intelligence. To start off with, what does the term artificial intelligence actually mean? If you just Google “define artificial intelligence,” you’ll discover that even computer scientists and engineers don’t entirely agree on what to call everything that

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Cyber security hacker behind a screen

Digital Distrust: How Brands Can Navigate a World of Disruption

Technology has been a salvation during the pandemic and has thrust us into the age of omni-channel once and for all. And yet, there is a looming threat to the digital brand experience: a growing sense of mistrust in technology and the cyber-verse. Fanned by the flames of fake news, online hate and political interference,

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Digital Sign Saying Welcome

Tips for Implementing Digital Signage on a Dime

COVID-19 has accelerated many of the digital transformation behaviors that were already in progress before the pandemic. While many larger retailers had the resources to adapt quickly, smaller retailers often had a tougher time in updating their physical stores. Unfortunately, this inability to adapt in-store digital signage undermined the delivery of effective communication with customers

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playdium live wild graffiti graphic

Playdium #LIVEWILD Cineplex Entertainment is rolling out the new Playdium design across Canada to offer exciting, afforable fun for the whole family.   CLIENT Cineplex PROJECT Playdium Experience Design RELATED SERVICE Brand Strategy Retail Design Environmental Graphic Design Service Design THINK Our research revealed that Gen Z and Alpha are united in one key factor:

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Drawing of a large gathering with lots of different people

Using Strategic Foresight to Understand the Future of Large Gatherings

Any business that relies on bringing people together has been forced to pivot quickly in 2020. In some cases, innovation and resilience has shone through. In other cases, a lack of preparedness had meant closures and bankruptcies. At SLD, we have decided to take a longer view of how current trends and events have altered

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Stuart Armstrong headshot

Digital Ecosystems and the Future of Retail and Banking

Digital transformation was something retail organizations and financial institutions were already talking about before COVID hit. The pandemic has accelerated the trend and brought with it more challenges that were not anticipated. While brands have adopted many makeshift processes and systems to address these needs, companies are now wondering what’s going to stick after the

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Digital Ecosystems Ebook cover

THINK FUTURE: How Digital Ecosystems Will Change Retail and Banking

From the growth of online-only retail platforms and Fintechs to a global pandemic that has pushed many customers online, it is no secret that the retail and banking industries are at a crossroads. As new technologies emerge, SLD and JohnRyan have conducted an extensive study among retail and bank executives to better understand the new direction

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Cybelle Jones headshot

How Experiential Design Can Help Tell Your Brand Story

Any branded environment tells a story and a big part of that story is visual. Today, we’re talking to Cybelle Jones, CEO of SEGD, a not-for-profit professional organization for designers from all over the world who focus on shaping content-rich experiential spaces. Trained as an architect, she’s worked on many projects that involve historical and

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Mobile app illustration

The Shift to Digital Ecosystems

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation initiatives by financial institutions and retailers, bringing the need for a robust digital ecosystem to the forefront. In a study we recently conducted with over 500 banking and retail executives, we have seen that though many realize a digital transformation is essential, there is still some confusion as

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David Fagleman Podcast Headshot

Will COVID-19 Be The Demise of Cash?

Today, we’re talking about cash. Is it going to go away completely? Is it unhygienic? Should retailers still allow cash payments, or is it okay to push consumers towards cards and digital-only? Today, our President Jean-Pierre Lacroix is talking to David Fagleman, Director at Enryo, a consultancy firm in the UK that helps support financial services in

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