
18018 RC R2 Think Retail Podcast Exploration 11

The retail experience: plugged or unplugged?

Technology has changed the retail landscape dramatically over the past 10 years, so much so that many people proclaimed digital shopping would kill retail altogether. In reality, technology has enabled retailers to connect with consumers better than ever before, and for those brands willing to innovate, it has provided them with a significant advantage in

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How to Create a Positive Retail Environment 270x170

How to Create a Positive Retail Environment

Emotions are very powerful drivers in purchase decisions, and positive emotional experiences will build brand loyalty. The following five strategies can help retailers create a strong and memorable connection with customers, including eliminating key friction points, telling a compelling story, ensuring a coherent omni-channel strategy, delivering a unique experience, and catering to the senses. Strategy

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SLD Designs New Experience Center for Nu Skin

On November 23, 2018, Nu Skin officially unveiled their new experience center, Nu Xtore, in Shenzhen, China. Designed by Shikatani Lacroix Design (SLD), the state-of-the-art Nu Xtore features an increased focus on the customer experience and incorporates the latest in design and technology. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, SLD’s president, and Teddy Ma, Managing Director, Pacific Rim, were

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Design Considerations for Different Retail Formats

As customer needs change and emerging technology enables new possibilities, retail channels need to adapt in order to stay relevant. This pattern has been demonstrated throughout history. For example, before the 1900s, personal cars and home refrigerators were not widely used, so people would visit markets and convenience stores fairly often. After sub-urbanization began and these

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