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SLD’s Definitive Guide to In-Store Activation
Despite COVID-19 and improvements made to online shopping, countless studies have reinforced the fact that consumers still prefer to shop in-store – especially when it

THINK FUTURE: How Digital Ecosystems Will Change Retail and Banking
From the growth of online-only retail platforms and Fintechs to a global pandemic that has pushed many customers online, it is no secret that the

SLD’s Guide To Future-Proofing Your Organization
What is around the next corner? Another pandemic? A trade war? Fully autonomous vehicles? While the possibilities may seem overwhelming, the brands that properly prepare for

Think: Inspiring the Future of Retail
What does the store of the future look like? The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the entire world, and retailers are no exception. While countless well known

Think: The Future of Retail Banking
The relevance of retail banking is under siege. Banks are responding with new formats, smaller footprints, and a nimbler approach to change. While banks have

Desire by Design
Conventional thinking has brands constantly scrambling to give customers what they want. But what if wanting is no longer enough? A customer may want a

Belonging Experiences
How does a business create strong brand loyalty when there is so much competition for customers attention and needs? In Belonging Experiences, author Jean-Pierre Lacroix

The Business of Graphic Design
Jean-Pierre Lacroix was a contributing author for RGD’s The Business of Graphic Design, “the first and only comprehensive Canadian guide to maintaining a graphic design business.” The handbook