
The future of shopping: Less friction, more transactions

This article appears in the May 2017 issue of strategy.

Shikatani Lacroix’s Jean-Pierre Lacroix sees this kind of technology (which is similar to Tesco’s “Scan As You Shop” system) making its way into grocery stores, with consumers being able to scan a barcode on an empty shelf and have the out-of-stock item delivered that day.

While more stores move to self-checkout (Shoppers Drug Mart plans to roll out the service to 140 stores this year after a successful Toronto pilot, and Loblaws is experimenting with self-weigh stations for produce to cut down on lineups), Lacroix calls it “an interim step.” The benefits for retailers of simplifying or eliminating checkout altogether (through RFID tech and mobile wallets) include “reduced labour costs, more loyal customers, more sales,” he says.

Read the whole article here.

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