
Branch Transformation by Design

Suzanne Cluckey of ATM Marketplace wrote about Jean-Pierre Lacroix’s presentation at the 2017 Bank Customer Experience Summit:

Some years ago, the president of [SLD], a company that specializes in brand strategy and customer engagement, sat in a meeting with senior leadership at Kodak, a client company. He was there to present research on a promising new business segment — digital photography for professional photographers.

In that very meeting, Kodak leadership killed its exploratory digital program because it threatened to cut into the company’s silver halide film business.

“[Digital photography] was the future, but they didn’t see it because their strength — making inexpensive silver halide film — was their biggest liability,” [SLD] President Jean-Pierre Lacroix said at last month’s Bank Customer Experience Summit, in a session titled, Branch design: Built environments for a new era in banking.

“To avoid disruption, you need to look at your biases in the decisions you make when you look at branch transformation,” Lacroix told a room full of bankers.

The Kodak story illustrates one of three insights from [SLD] research that Lacroix shared in a short presentation.

You can read the rest of the article on the ATM Marketplace website.

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