Let’s all play ball
Jays Care Foundation’s vision of creating a level playing field for all children and youth across Canada is one we are honored to support.
Jays Care Foundation
Design of Interior Spaces
& Baseball Diamonds
Environmental Graphic Design
Corporate Communication

Jays Care Foundation provides a number of programs that create opportunities for children and youth across Canada who face different obstacles in accessing sports. Whether they’re creating accessible fields and dugouts, sensory sensitive spaces, supporting reconciliation through programming with Indigenous communities or providing programming for children and youth who face socio-economic disadvantages, Jays Care is there to help kids in Canada play ball. SLD contributes by providing branding, graphics kits and signage for Jays Care spaces, including gyms, offices and recreation centres. With a strong vision and the platform of the Toronto Blue Jays, it’s a pleasure to lend our skills to support this foundation.

When Jays Care has a space to brand under their banner, we develop a graphics kit that can be adapted easily to meet the needs of the location, whether it’s a field that’s undergoing a renovation or an indoor facility. We provide kits that feature dugout signage, home plate signage, and always include an inspirational word mural – when time permits, we encourage community partners to have the kids themselves choose the words that will be featured in their space. Using the Toronto Blue Jays colors and fonts, we create simple but powerful messaging that supports Jays Care vision of creating a level playing field for Canadian children.