
Embracing Future Transformation

The Association of Professional Futurists (APF) is a global community of futurists whose main focus is to promote the value of Strategic Foresight and Future Studies to businesses, governments, and the general population. Each month, they host a session in which a member of the association leads a discussion on a specific topic. To kick off 2021, SLD’s Jean-Pierre Lacroix presented on Embracing Future Transformation, with a focus on how to get clients excited about the future and how to bridge the gap between vision and execution when it comes to Strategic Foresight.

The virtual session was the beginning of a series of a collaborations between the APF and SLD, which will culminate in a global conference scheduled for the fall of 2021. While the planning for the conference is just getting underway, those that are interested can find out more information here. In the meantime, Jean-Pierre’s full Embracing Future Transformation presentation can be viewed below.

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