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New Research Validates VR and Neuroscience as Effective Retail Design Tools

Immersive design agency Shikatani Lacroix Design (SLD) and Chinese strategic innovation and branding consultancy MetaThink have proven the effectiveness of combining neuroscience and virtual reality to test consumers’ emotional responses to a virtual retail environment by recording the same consumer responses to the physical one. A world first, this research validates the use of VR […]

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VR and Neuroscience Enabled Agile Design

Retail banks are facing challenges from every direction, from the stealth erosion of accounts to competing banks; from online only financial institutions to non-traditional banking platforms. On top of that, banks are reckoning with how they can gain greater value from their retail network. The challenge would be less daunting if it weren’t for the

VR and Neuroscience Enabled Agile Design Read More »


Shikatani Lacroix Refreshes Tostitos Packaging with Fun Shapes and Colors

PepsiCo Foods conducted research with the use of eye-tracking to establish what was appetizing to consumers. Only one in four consumers agreed that Tostitos packaging was attractive. Surprisingly, the look and feel of the Tostitos packaging had not been updated for almost 10 years, until now! Shikatani Lacroix Design has refreshed the Tostitos packaging design

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The future of shopping: Less friction, more transactions

This article appears in the May 2017 issue of strategy. Shikatani Lacroix’s Jean-Pierre Lacroix sees this kind of technology (which is similar to Tesco’s “Scan As You Shop” system) making its way into grocery stores, with consumers being able to scan a barcode on an empty shelf and have the out-of-stock item delivered that day. While

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Maximize Your Restaurant’s Efficiency: 6 Proven Strategies to Reduce Wait Time

Many things seem to get in the way of you and your food when you are hungry and short on time. Wait times exist throughout the experience, whether you are grabbing a snack at a limited-service fast food restaurant or dining at a full-service sit-down establishment. For example, there is a delay between walking in

Maximize Your Restaurant’s Efficiency: 6 Proven Strategies to Reduce Wait Time Read More »


Eight Foodservice Design Trends Influencing Your Customers Today

For almost 30 years, our firm has been involved in foodservice design and worked with clients ranging from small independent operators to the large multinational chains. Through these many years of experience, we have always strived to push the envelope of our designs to ensure our clients not only remained relevant, but more importantly that

Eight Foodservice Design Trends Influencing Your Customers Today Read More »


Three BIG Benefits of Gamification in Restaurants

The average consumer spends more than two hours per day on their smartphones and 50 minutes of that time is spent playing games (QSR Insights) such as Betwiz. Businesses have identified that trend and turned it into an opportunity, coining the phrase “gamification.” Gamification can be defined as the application of gaming mechanics (such as points,

Three BIG Benefits of Gamification in Restaurants Read More »


Six Strategies for Moving into New Foodservice Markets

Foodservice operators are always looking to find growth, and current success is being achieved for many by low-risk changes such as filling in the need for breakfast offerings, to more involved strategies such as a concept refresh. The most coveted driver for growth is of course also the riskiest: expanding beyond your current network into

Six Strategies for Moving into New Foodservice Markets Read More »

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Get Investors Excited About Your Corporate Rebranding

Once you’ve gotten the board of directors, C-Suite and everyone on the management team on board with the decision to rebrand, there’s one more hurdle that publicly traded companies need to clear: their investors. Ensuring that investors don’t lose faith in management requires that you justify every major decision your company makes and a rebrand can

Get Investors Excited About Your Corporate Rebranding Read More »

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Award: Shikatani Lacroix Wins Progress Sitefinity Website of the Year Award

Shikatani Lacroix has won Progress Sitefinity’s Website of the Year Award in the Ecommerce category for our design and implementation of M&M Food Market’s new website. Shikatani Lacroix and M&M Food Market were shortlisted for this award following our Sitefinity Website of the Quarter award win for Q1 2016. After being named a finalist in

Award: Shikatani Lacroix Wins Progress Sitefinity Website of the Year Award Read More »


Are Healthy Food Menu Offerings Viable for the Fast Food Industry?

The fast food industry is recognizing what we all now know to be true: high-fat, sodium and sugar laden processed food isn’t very good for us. At the same time, the demand for quick, affordable, delicious meals has increased with the rise of the millennial demographic, longer work weeks, working parents and fast-paced modern lives.

Are Healthy Food Menu Offerings Viable for the Fast Food Industry? Read More »

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Centre for Digital Experience

What is Digital Experience and Why It Matters When: Tuesday, March 21st, 5-7:30pm What: Centre for Digital Experience (CDX) Where: Marriott Hotel, Toronto The Centre for Digital Experience (CDX) is a non-profit program for digital media use development. The event attracts members of the brand, retail, end users and supply communities. Join Richard Dirstein, Shikatani Lacroix’s Principal and EVP Design and

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Fresh Approach – Calgary Co-Op

Project: CALGARY CO-OP AUBURN BAY, CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA Featured member: Shikatani Lacroix Size:  50,000 sf Completion: November 2016 Photography: Brian Harder TO STAND OUT FROM COMPETITORS encroaching on its territory, the brand’s request for a new look evolves into a fun and vibrant environment that’s both distinctive and contemporary. The complete redesign includes floor plans, department

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