Financial Services

US $100 bill with covid mask on

Retail Banking’s New Reality & the Future of the Branch

On Thursday, June 18, SLD’s Jean-Pierre Lacroix will be joining Future Branches and Time Trade for an exclusive webinar on “Retail Banking’s New Reality & the Future of the Branch.” In this webinar the likely repercussions of COVID-19 for retail branch banking will be discussed, as will recommendations on what banks and credit unions can do […]

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Photo of glasses that are half full and half empty

How Retailers Can Help Reduce Consumer Anxiety

While COVID-19 has been the primary concern for brands around the world over the past few months, the recent killing of George Floyd and subsequent protests in both America and abroad have changed the focus for many brands. Over the weekend it became common to see companies voice their support for racial equality and the

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Nick Hallas headshot

Exploring the How and Why of Biometric Security

In the financial industry, security is paramount. As the world moves online and technology becomes more sophisticated, so do hackers and scams, that’s why sites like Cyber Crucible can help you to be protected. The advantages of leveraging technology have just skyrocketed with the impact of COVID-19, but preventing systems breaches can make the difference

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People standing in line for waiting to use an atm

What Banks Can Learn From China’s Handling of COVID-19

Download This Report and Take It With You! China’s post-pandemic shift to a new normal started more than a month ago, with the majority of businesses fully operational. The pandemic has temporarily slowed China’s growth, due in part to the disruption in exports as most Western countries’ manufacturing and service industries remain significantly impacted by

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Manpreet Podcast Headshot

Discussing SLD’s Future Readiness Report

In this episode, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, President of SLD speaks with Manpreet Juneja, a Design Strategist at SLD about a study we recently conducted on the subject of future readiness and strategic foresight. The study asked brands to consider the subject of the future and how well prepared they think their organization is to cope with change. Transcript Melinda:

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Illustrated drawing of people socially distancing at a bank

COVID-19: Retail Banking’s New Reality

The retail banking industry is one that has been significantly impacted by technology with the growth of Fintech alternative banking platforms, the shift of consumers away from branches towards digital channels and the rise of alternative payment platforms such as mobile wallets. Ironically, in spite of this disruption, our Future Readiness study conducted in January

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Social distancing animation

Strategies for Retail Banks Amidst COVID-19

The globe is being disrupted due to the rapid transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, retailers and financial institutions have initiated social distancing strategies to minimize the spread of the virus. These initiatives include marking safe distances within waiting queues, limiting the number of customers in the store, adding plexiglass screens to separate staff

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Women greeting in the street by touching elbows

What Brands Can Learn From China’s Handling of COVID-19

As Europe and North America hunkers down amidst the peak of COVID-19’s assault on our part of the world, in Asia people are emerging from their extended quarantine to a new world. SLD’s Managing Director of Asia Pacific, Teddy Ma, who lives in Shanghai, shared his experiences with us about how consumers are responding in China.   What was the quarantine experience like in

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Worksheet: Techniques to Plan for Future Trends and Scenarios

If brands could correctly predict the future, product and service development would be a lot easier. Strategies could be planned well before disruptors emerge, and there would be advanced warnings for customer attitude shifts and upcoming trends. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that anyone will be 100 percent correct in future predictions. Luckily, there are

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President Jean-Pierre Lacroix givng a keynote address

2019 Smart Ecological Omnichannel Development Summit Forum

On December 12, 2019, President Jean-Pierre Lacroix  and Managing Director Teddy Ma were invited to deliver a keynote address at the 2019 Smart Ecological Omnichannel Development Forum in Shenzen, China. This forum invited industry experts from around the globe to discuss developmental trends; the future of banking channels in the new financial era; how to

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5G technology in big city

5 Insights for a 5G World

Consumers have made a significant shift to shopping and banking online and through their mobile devices. Despite this, the promised benefits of utilizing mobile to make the bricks-and-mortar experience more convenient and engaging have not yet come to fruition. Mobile devices have evolved significantly, but the bandwidth that serves as their backbone has not, leaving

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The Three Big Changes That Are Coming to Banking (And How to Handle Them)

Where will disruption in the banking industry come from next? Just when banks have caught up to digital banking platforms innovated by Fintechs and are embarking on building meaningful, trusting relationships with customers, something else will come along and throw a wrench in the works. Knowing what’s coming is half the battle. Read this white

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