Sebastian Maynard

Showfields Pop-up

“The Most Interesting Store in the World”

It’s fairly bold to dub yourself the most interesting anything, so if nothing else, Showfields, and their “most interesting store in the world” gets points for audacity. But dig a little deeper into the mysterious retail experiment, House of SHOWFIELDS, and it’s hard to deny that there is something interesting indeed about the concept. Showfields is […]

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Sustainable food containers

Sustainable Packaging That You Can Plant, Eat and Re-Use

In a previous article, we discussed some retail trends related to packaging, including e-commerce optimization and plastic-free packaging. The commitment to reduce the use of plastic in packaging has now become simply a matter of “when,” not “if.” CPG giants, including The Coca-Cola Company, MARS, PepsiCo, and Unilever have pledged to use 100 percent reusable, recyclable or compostable

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Dart hitting bullseye

Useful Customer Segmentation Methods for Banks

Customer Segmentation is the division of a specific market into buckets of customers who share similar characteristics. However, gone are the days that big financial institutions can afford to segment their customers by merely using demographic criteria, including age and income, or firmographic attributes such as industry or company size. With fierce competition from fintechs and

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Three Gen Z Girls in shopping cart

Gen Z’s Perspective on Retail Experience

Since the breakthrough of technology, Millennials have changed the way retailers must accommodate shopping patterns. However, as “digital natives” Gen Z shoppers are creating an even bigger impact and challenge for retailers to provide the desired retail experience. Although Gen Z’s are typically thought of to be heavily reliant on technology, their shopping habits are

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Self-Driving Car

How Self-Driving Cars Will Impact Retailers

Imagine the day a car can become an extension of your living room, where you can continue your leisurely activity of choice while being transported to your final destination. Well, it could be coming as soon as 2030! Self-driving cars are all over the news, with much publicity and anticipation as this futuristic marvel is quickly

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House with lots of boxes

What the End of Mass Consumption Means for Retailers

Marie Kondo has made the old adage “less is more” feel fresh again. In her popular Netflix show she helps people de-clutter homes by asking them to decide if the items they own spark joy. Anything that doesn’t meet this standard simply shouldn’t be in your home, she posits. The idea, one that resonates with many, is

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Embracing the Circular Economy

What Retailers Need to Know About the Circular Economy

The facts are sobering: according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by 2050 the ocean could contain more plastic than fish, and plastics could be consuming 20 percent of oil production and 15 percent of the carbon budget. Only 14 percent of plastic is recycled across the planet – the rest is tossed out, filling landfills, rivers

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Smart Banking Design

Five Strategies for Implementing a Smart Bank

Smart Banking promised to herald in the convenience of digital technology and more personalized customer service. Today most would agree what was imagined as utopia has yet to materialize for banks pioneering this new branch format. Early attempts have demonstrated that consumers remain attached to in-branch human interaction and are skeptical of the merits of

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Customers in line at a bank

Service Design and the Banking Experience

Seamlessness is now an expectation in our service-oriented society. Customers have little patience for services that are inconvenient, frustrating, and inefficient. We don’t want to wait in line, have to repeat ourselves, or deal with mistakes. Many major companies are selling services instead of physical products and are differentiating themselves based on customer experience. Brands

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Should Foodservice Embrace Third-Party Delivery?

You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t. That’s the overwhelming response when you ask foodservice operators about third-party food delivery apps like UberEats, Skip the Dishes and Foodora. Such services say they are opening the door to new customers – but this isn’t what restauranteurs are seeing on the ground. The increase in ordering through

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The Three Phases of Smart Banking 270x370

The Three Phases of Smart Banking

The majority of financial institutions are focused on ensuring their strongest asset for driving growth, namely their retail banking network, remains relevant with the rise of Fintech start-ups and new types of banking competitors. This need is most prevalent in Asia, and more specifically China, where there is an enormous and underserved appetite for smart

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New Technologies that Will Change the Banking Industry

In our previous blog we discussed the four tiers of immersive experience with the pinnacle representing the “Bionic Human,” a fully symbiotic technology enabled human delivering superior customer engagement. We often wonder how far into the future it will be that we witness the convergence of technology and human beings, such as The Six Million Dollar

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