
Tetley Wins Canadian Living Best New Product Award

Shikatani Lacroix Design would like to congratulate Tetley for being among Canadian Living’s 2019 Best New Product Award winners, which was voted on by over 18,000 consumers. The award is in recognition of Tetley Super Teas, Canada’s first line of teas that are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Tetley and SLD have a longstanding partnership, and SLD is honoured to have designed the packaging for this award-winning line.

The Super Teas comes in three varieties: Super Green Tea Boost – Berry Bust with Vitamin B6, Super Herbal Tea Immune – Lemon & Echinacea with Zinc, and Super Green Tea Antiox – Tropical with Vitamin C. Each tea features its own distinct packaging that is instantly recognizable as a Tetley product while also communicating the various flavors and health benefits.

To learn more about Tetley Super Teas, click here.

Tetley Packaging Stacked

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